Fig. 1
Developmental expression of swap70. (A,B) Lateral views of embryos hybridized with swap70 antisense RNA probe at 2 somite (11 hpf) and 20 hpf. The eye primordia (arrows) and pronephric ducts (arrowhead) express swap70. (C–H) Lateral views of whole embryos focused on the trunk spinal cord, with dorsal up. The bracket marks spinal cord (sc). Expression of swap70 (C,F) is similar to that of sox10 (D,G), a marker of OPCs (arrows) at 50 and 80 hpf. By contrast, expression of plp1a, which marks differentiating oligodendrocytes, is not evident until 80 hpf (E,H). (I–M) Transverse sections through trunk spinal cord, dorsal up. swap70 (I,K) is expressed similarly to sox10 (J,L) in OPCs (arrows) except that cells that line the proliferative ventricular zone (arrowheads) also express swap70 but not sox10. (M) plp1a expression marking oligodendrocytes (arrows). (N,O) Transverse sections through forebrain (N) and hindbrain (O). swap70 expression is evident at ventricular zones of the tectum (te), diencephelon (di) and at the boundary between cerebellum (ce) and hindbrain (hb).
Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 48(3), Takada, N., and Appel, B., swap70 Promotes neural precursor cell cycle exit and oligodendrocyte formation, 225-35, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.