Fig. 3
hes5 mRNA. A,B: Whole-mounts are shown in lateral views. A1–A4: Whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) transversal cryostat sections of a stage 72 hpf WT. B1–B4: WISH transversal cryostat sections of a stage 72 hpf mibhi904. Note that it is difficult to precisely match thin cut sections of the larval zebrafish (e.g., eye is smaller in B3 and B4) and this does not reflect an asymmetrical expression pattern in the midbrain. Ha, habenula; Hr, rostral hypothalamus; m, medial tectum opticum; PTv, ventral part of posterior tuberculum; TeVe, tectal ventricle; TS, torus semicircularis; TVe, telencephalic ventricle. Scale bar = 0.2 mm in A,B, 0.1 mm in A1–A4,B1–B4.