Fig. 1 alcama morphants have defects in facial skeletal patterning. (A) Graphic representation of alcama RNA illustrating the position of TB and SB MOs. (B) Nomarski image of a 48 hpf WT larva with the box indicating the region shown in (C)–(E). 48 hpf control (C), alcama TB (D), and alcama SB (E) morphants stained with Zn-5 antibody. Both MOs effectively knock down alcama expression in the heart (arrowheads) and pouches (arrows). (F, G) Lateral views of 5 dpf larvae injected with control and alcama TB MOs. alcama morphants have a protruding jaw (arrows), cardiac edema (arrowheads) and an absent swim bladder (open arrows). Lateral views of Alcian blue-stained control (H) and alcama (I) morphants at 5 dpf. The line indicates the length of the pharyngeal cartilage, which is shortened in alcama morphants. The arrow points to Meckels cartilage, which is bent ventrally in alcama morphants. Scale bars: 50 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 349(2), Choudhry, P., Joshi, D., Funke, B., and Trede, N., Alcama mediates Edn1 signaling during zebrafish cartilage morphogenesis, 483-493, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.