Fig. 1 The zebrafish parkin orthologue is highly conserved and expressed during development.
(A) Modular structure of human and zebrafish parkin. UBL: ubiquitin-like domain, RING: really interesting new gene, IBR: in-between RING, RBR: RING between RING fingers. (B) Protein sequence alignment of zebrafish parkin and human parkin was analyzed in regard to similarity and identity using BOXSHADE 3.21. Analysis of the functional domains of parkin reveals a higher degree of identity/similarity compared to the overall sequence. (C) Parkin mRNA expression in developing zebrafish. Total mRNA was reversely transcribed into cDNA and analyzed by PCR using parkin-specific primers; + positive control: zebrafish parkin plasmid DNA as a template; - negative control without template. dpf: days post fertilization.