Fig. 1 β-Arrestin1 Is Evolutionarily Conserved in Zebrafish
(A) The phylogenetic tree of β-arrestins. Phylogenetic tree was built by neighbor-joining algorithm using CLUSTAL X. The scale bar indicates 10% amino acid substitutions. Vertebrate arrestins were categorized into visual and nonvisual arrestins, while the evolutionary conservation of β-arrestin1 is higher than β-arrestin2.
(B) Genomic structures of human, mouse and zebrafish β-arrestin1. Black boxes indicate coding exons, and gray boxes indicate noncoding exons.
(C) Antibody staining of β-arrestin1 during zebrafish development. Antibody specifically recognizes zebrafish β-arrestin1 (A1CT) was utilized for whole embryo immunostaining. The developmental time points were indicated in the panels.
(D) Western blot analyses of β-arrestin1 knockdown efficiency. Embryos without injection (NI, lane 1), injected with 4 ng control morpholino (Ctrl MO, lane 2) or 4 ng β-arrestin1 morpholino (Arrb1 MO, lane 3) were harvested at 48 hpf, protein samples were prepared and probed with β-arrestin1-specific antibody (A1CT). β-Actin was used as the loading control.
(E) Phenotypic analyses of zebrafish embryos at 24 hpf. Embryos without injection (NI), injected with 4 ng control morpholino (Ctrl MO), 4 ng β-arrestin1 morpholino (Arrb1 MO), or 4 ng β-arrestin1 morpholino plus 100 pg human β-arrestin1 mRNA (hArrb1 mRNA) were analyzed.
(F) Statistics of zebrafish phenotypic analyses. The number of embryos analyzed in each group was indicated.
Reprinted from Cell, 139(3), Yue, R., Kang, J., Zhao, C., Hu, W., Tang, Y., Liu, X., and Pei, G., Beta-arrestin1 regulates zebrafish hematopoiesis through binding to YY1 and relieving polycomb group repression, 535-546, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell