Fig. 7 Impaired of neural plate convergence in pcdh19 morphants. Shown are embryos labeled with riboprobe directed against foxd3, which defines the lateral boundaries of the neural plate. A?C, At 2 somite stage, the width of the neural plate is comparable between control embryos (A) and morphant embryos injected with splice-blocking (B; Mo-S1) or translation-blocking (C; Mo-T) morpholinos. By the 5 somite stage, the neural plate has converged substantially in control embryos (A′), but is much wider in morphants (B′ and C′). This impairment of convergence in morphants becomes even more pronounced by the 10 somite stage. The neural keel narrows somewhat in control embryos (A″), but little convergence appears to occur between 5 and 10 somite stages in morphant embryos (B″ and C″).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 334(1), Emond, M.R., Biswas, S., and Jontes, J.D., Protocadherin-19 is essential for early steps in brain morphogenesis, 72-83, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.