Fig. 8 gata-5/fau is required for pharynx morphogenesis but not formation of the esophagus or gut. (A?D) 34 hpf. (A) Lateral view of nkx-2.3 expression within the fau branchial arches with corresponding histological section (B) and laminin immunostaining (C). (B) The fau pharyngeal endoderm appears normal in tissue sections (compare with Fig. 5B). (C) Laminin within the fau pharynx is normal compared with wild-type (D). (E?H) 50 hpf. (E) Lateral view of nkx-2.3 expression within the fau branchial arches with corresponding histological section (F) and laminin (green) and cadherin (red inset) immunostainings in fau (G) and wild-type (H) embryos. The epithelial bilayer within the pharyngeal endoderm that is normally present at 50 hpf (H) is not present in fau mutants (G). (I?U) 74 hpf. (I, P) Lateral view of nkx-2.3 expression within the branchial arches of fau (I) and wild-type (P) larvae with corresponding histological sections (fau: J, M, K, L; and wild-type: Q, R, S). The fau pharynx is duplicated (J; 18%, n = 58) or widened (M) compared with wild-type siblings (Q). In contrast, fau esophagus morphology (K) and differentiation (N) is normal compared with wild-type siblings (R, T). (L) The solitary 74-hpf fau intestine is smaller than that of wild-type siblings (S). Apical binding of a fluorescent lectin (soybean agglutinin) that normally appears after the gut forms is present in both fau (O) and wild-type (U) 74-hpf larvae. In all panels: ph, pharynx; p, branchial arches; e, esophagus; h, hindbrain; I, intestine.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 255(1), Wallace, K.N. and Pack, M., Unique and conserved aspects of gut development in zebrafish, 12-29, Copyright (2003) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.