Fig. 6 Correlation between photoreceptor OS loss and extent of Kif17 knock-down in morphants. (A–C) Kif17 distribution in eyes of 3-day-old control (A) and morphant larvae (B, C). (D–F) IC images (A–C) merged with bright-field images of the same sections. Abbreviations: GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; and ONL, outer nuclear layer. Scale bars in panels D–F = 40 μm. Note that in the photoreceptor layer of the early developing central retina (asterisks) of morphants Kif17 immunoreactivity is almost completely lacking but in the late developing periphery (indicated by arrows), Kif17 protein is present. (G–I) EM images from the central region of a control retina (G), and of a morphant retina (H). (I) is from the peripheral region of a morphant retina. Note that OS form throughout the retina of controls and are virtually absent from the central retina of morphants where Kif17 protein knock-down is most complete. OS are seen in the periphery of some but not all morphants. EM magnification bars: 2.8 μm (G), 4.0 μm (H), and 6.8 μm (I).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 316(1), Insinna, C., Pathak, N., Perkins, B., Drummond, I., and Besharse, J.C., The homodimeric kinesin, Kif17, is essential for vertebrate photoreceptor sensory outer segment development, 160-170, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.