Fig. 5 The gata5 and gata6 genes are functionally redundant for cardiomyocyte specification. Shown in each panel is a typical representative embryo following processing by whole mount in situ hybridization to detect transcripts for the cardiomyocyte progenitor marker nkx2.5 at the 17-somite stage. (A) wild-type embryos, (B) gata4 morphants, (C) gata5 (ssG5) morphants, (D) gata6 morphants, (E) gata4+5 (ssG5) double morphants, (F) Gata4+6 double morphants and (G) Gata5(ssG5)+6 double morphants. The cardiogenic program is initiated and cardiomyocytes are specified in both gata4+6 and gata4+5 double morphants. However, the early cardiac progenitors are missing in gata5+6 morphants. Embryos were flat-mounted; views are dorsal, with anterior to the top. Reproduced in multiple independent experiments, the phenotypes/number of embryos from this experiment represent A: 17/17; B: 20/20; C + D combined: 26/26; E: 29/29; F: 25/25; G: 25/25.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 312(2), Holtzinger, A., and Evans, T., Gata5 and Gata6 are functionally redundant in zebrafish for specification of cardiomyocytes, 613-622, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.