Fig. 5 Delta?Notch control of her12 and her15 expression. her12 expression was examined in Su(H) morphants (2 experiments, n = 125, 96% affected), after DAPT treatment (2 experiments, n = 41, 98% affected), in the fused somite type mutants aei/deltaD, bea/deltaC, des/notch1a and in her7 morphants (2 experiments, n = 93, 85% affected) and compared to the respective wild type expression. Similarly, her15 expression was analysed in Su(H) morphants (3 experiments, n = 21, 100% affected), after DAPT treatment (2 experiments, n = 37, 98% affected), in the fused somite type mutants aei/deltaD, bea/deltaC, des/notch1a and in her7 morphants (2 experiments, n = 74, 69% affected) and compared to the respective wild type expression. Wild type (wt) expression of her12 and her15 (A and H, respectively). Expression of her12 and her15 in Su(H) morphants (B and I), after DAPT treatment (C and J), in aei (D and K) in bea (E and L) and in des (F and M, respectively) at the 10- to 12-somite stage. (G and N) her12 and her15 expression in her7 morphants, respectively. (O?R) (S?V) her15 expression in aei, bea, des and Su(H) morphants at the 12- to 14-somite stage (in lateral view) and at bud stage, respectively. White arrowhead points to the ventral expression domain of her15 that is only lost in the aei mutant situation.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 304(2), Shankaran, S.S., Sieger, D., Schroter, C., Czepe, C., Pauly, M.C., Laplante, M.A., Becker, T.S., Oates, A.C., and Gajewski, M., Completing the set of h/E(spl) cyclic genes in zebrafish: her12 and her15 reveal novel modes of expression and contribute to the segmentation clock, 615-632, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.