- ID
- ZDB-GENE-040912-51
- Name
- zgc:101772
- Symbol
- zgc:101772 Nomenclature History
- Previous Names
- None
- Type
- protein_coding_gene
- Location
- Unmapped
- Description
- Predicted to be a structural constituent of myelin sheath. Predicted to be involved in myelination. Predicted to be active in membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including cranial ganglion; hatching gland; mucus secreting cell; olfactory system; and pronephric duct. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in metachromatic leukodystrophy. Orthologous to human MAL (mal, T cell differentiation protein).
- Genome Resources
- Alliance (1)
- Gene:447886 (1)
- Note
- None
- Comparative Information
- All Expression Data
- 6 figures from Thisse et al., 2004
- Cross-Species Comparison
- High Throughput Data
- Thisse Expression Data
- MGC:101772 (12 images)
Wild Type Expression Summary
- All Phenotype Data
- No data available
- Cross-Species Comparison
- Alliance
Phenotype Summary
Human Disease
Domain, Family, and Site Summary
Domain Details Per Protein
Protein | Length | Marvel domain | MARVEL domain-containing and chemokine-like factor proteins | Myelin and lymphocyte (MAL) protein |
159 |
- Genome Browsers
- No data available
Interactions and Pathways
No data available
No data available
- Comparative Orthology
- Alliance