Oligodendrocyte precursors and myelin are unchanged in gphnbvo84/vo84 mutant spinal cord. A Representative in vivo images from Tg(olig1:mScarlet) and 3D reconstruction showing individual OPCs in the spinal cord of WT and gphnbvo84/vo84 at 5 dpf. B OPC number in 300-µm-length spinal cord from (A). nWT = 11 animals, ngphnb = 11 animals, 1 technical replicate, t[0.5192] df[20],. C Representative in vivo images of myelin in the dorsal spinal cord from Tg(mbp:GFP-CAAX) at body segment 7 (S7) and 15 (S15) of WT and gphnbvo84/vo84 at 5 dpf. D GFP signal intensity from (C). nWT = 8 animals, ngphnb = 11 animals, 1 technical replicate, F[3,, 33] = 0.6057. All data are represented as mean ± SEM; ns, not significant; (B) unpaired t-tests; (D) one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test