Rbpms2 binds and regulates RNAs required for testis development and ribosome and ribonucleoprotein biogenesis. a RNAIP and Negative control constructs and RNAIP scheme. b UMAP of cell populations in 40 dpf ovary20 and representative UMAPs of rboRNAs in given cell population(s) of the 40 dpf ovary. Number of RNAs in a category are given in the header and rboRNAs associated with testis fates are specified in the header as well. c Top 10 GO biological processes associated with rboRNAs. Dark blue indicates not significant and increasing lighter shades of blue indicate increasing significant values. d Volcano plot of differential gene expression in 21 dpf bipotential wildtype and rbpms2 DM gonads from bulk RNA sequencing. rboRNAs are overlayed in blue and all RNAs are labeled in gray. (c-d) Differential Gene Enrichment was calculated with the DESeq2 package adjusted P = 0.05, adjusted P (−log10) = 1.30 and fold change of 2.00, log2 fold change (−1.00|1.00). e Representative gene set enrichment plots for GO Ribosome Biogenesis, GO Nucleolar Part, and GO Regulation of TOR Signaling from bulk RNA sequencing of 21 dpf wildtype versus rbpms2 DM gonads. Dark red indicates more frequently detected in rbpms2 DM gonads, pink indicates slightly more expressed in rbpms2 DM gonads, light blue indicates slightly more expressed in wildtype gonads, and dark blue indicates more frequently expressed in wildtype gonads. NES, nominal p-value, and FDR were calculated via the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis algorithm. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.