Fig. 6

Bell et al., 2024 - Nkd1 functions downstream of Axin2 to attenuate Wnt signaling
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Fig. 6

axin2gh1/gh1;nkd1gh2/gh2 embryos have a more similar RNA profile to nkd1gh2/gh2 than to axin2gh1/gh1 . RNA-seq was performed at 50% epiboly for all Wnt regulator mutants as well as two wild type background genotypes: TU and TL. (A) PCA analysis and a (B) heat map analysis of the top 1000 differentially regulated genes shows that that axin2gh1/gh1;nkd1gh2/gh2 double mutant embryos have a similar RNA profile to the nkd1gh2/gh2 single mutant embryos. (C–D) Venn diagrams were made for upregulated genes (C) (log2FC > 2 and an FDR < 0.05) and down regulated genes (D) (log2FC < -2 and an FDR < 0.05) with genes that were significantly different (FDR < 0.05) between TL and the TU backgrounds being removed. (E) A gene list for the 34 genes that were upregulated and the 15 genes that were down regulated for each of the Wnt regulator mutants was made with the log fold change values provided for comparison. For more information on DEG for each Wnt regulator mutant refer to Supplemental Tables 6–9.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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