Fig 5

Moreno-Campos et al., 2024 - A targeted CRISPR-Cas9 mediated F0 screen identifies genes involved in establishment of the enteric nervous system
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Fig 5

ENS neurochemical coding is altered in larval crispants for opioid receptor-encoding genes oprd1b and oprl1.

(A, C, E) Confocal images show whole ENS after immunohistochemistry in 6 dpf control, and oprd1b and oprl1 crispants, respectively. The targeted proteins were Phox2b (yellow), HuC/D (magenta), 5-HT (cyan) and Chat (green). Dashed red lines surround the gut. (B-B””, D-D””, F-F””) depict individual channels and magnification of the ENS midgut region to show the different marker proteins dissected by colors. In parenthesis next to each marker: Cell counts using Imaris software, n = 3 biological replicates.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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