Fig. 3

Seebacher et al., 2023 - Warming and pollution interact to alter energy transfer efficiency, performance and fitness across generations in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
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Fig. 3

Estimated cost of growth (Em). We used growth and metabolic relationships to estimate the amount of food-derived energy necessary to produce a unit of new biomass (cost of growth, kJ g−1) at the time points when we measured individual size. In parents, Em was influenced significantly by a three-way interaction between genotype (A, B DNMT3a+/+, E, F DNMT3a−/−), BPA exposure (BPA exposure = open circles, control = filled circles), and temperature (blue = 24 °C, red = 30 °C); notably, BPA increased Em at 30 °C. Offspring Em was affected significantly by two three way interactions between genotype (C, D DNMT3a+/+; G, H DNMT3a−/−) BPA exposure, and temperature, and genotype, age, and temperature (symbols as for parents). Means ± s.e. are shown and n = 10–12 fish per treatment.

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