Morpholino knockdown of smarcc1a phenocopies smarcc1ask29 mutants. (A, B) Lateral views of live embryos at 52 hpf, anterior to the left, dorsal to the top. Morpholino-injected embryos (MO) exhibit reduced pigmentation, pericardial edema, and abnormal retinal development. (C, D) Pectoral fins (arrowheads) do not develop normally in MO-injected embryos, resulting in small, stunted fin buds at 52 hpf. (E, F) In contrast to the heart of an uninjected wild-type embryo (arrowhead, E), the heart of a MO-injected embryo (arrowhead, F) has dysmorphic chambers aligned in a linear arrangement. Overall, the phenotypes of MO-injected embryos are highly similar, although somewhat less severe, than those of smarcc1ask29 mutant embryos, likely reflecting the limited efficiency of morpholino knockdown.