Figure 3

Yilmaz et al., 2023 - Genomic disturbance of vitellogenin 2 (vtg2) leads to vitellin membrane deficiencies and significant mortalities at early stages of embryonic development in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
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Figure 3

Production of F3 generation vtg2-mutants and samplings. The general strategy followed to establish zebrafish vtg2-mutant lines is shown above. This process involved stepwise reproductive crosses (indicated by X) between males (♂) and females (♀) indicated here with zebrafish icons. F0-3 represents the zebrafish generations produced in the process. Biological samples and the applications for which they were used are indicated on the right side of the panel. Wt; vtg2 +/+, wild type fish with two vtg2 alleles, Ht; vtg2 −/+, heterozygous fish carrying only one vtg2 allele, Hm; vtg2 −/−, homozygous fish lacking both vtg2 alleles.

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