Comparison of fzd1 and cdk14 mRNA expression in wild‐type embryos to expression of gfp mRNA in Et(fzd1:EGFP) transgenic embryos. (A–I) Whole mount in situ hybridisation at 3 dpf, showing fzd1 expression in wild‐type embryos (A–C), gfp expression in Et(fzd1:EGFP) embryos (D–F) and cdk14 expression in wild‐type embryos (G–I); anterior to the left. (A, D, G) Lateral views of the head. Note the closely matching spatial expression domains of gfp and fzd1 genes in the otic vesicle (black arrowheads), whereas cdk14 is not expressed in the otic vesicle (white arrowheads). Expression of fzd1 is also present in the pharyngeal region in wild‐type embryos (A, bracket), but gfp expression is absent in this region in the Et(fzd1:EGFP) line (D). (B, E, H) Dorsal view of the head, clearly showing the ventral pillar expression (black arrowheads) in the ear of both fzd1 (B) and gfp (E). Expression of both fzd1 and gfp is also seen in part of the retina. (C, F, I) Detailed lateral views of the otic vesicle, showing the matching expression of fzd1 (C) and gfp (F) in the ventral pillar. Inset in C at a different focal plane shows expression of fzd1 at the lateral margins of the lateral (horizontal) crista, matching the GFP fluorescence shown in Figure 5b,b'. No expression in either the ventral pillar (H, white arrowheads) or lateral crista (I) is seen for cdk14. Scale bars: 200 μm in (A), for (B, D, E, G, H); 50 μm in (C), for (F, I).