Figure 1

Berger et al., 2023 - The Role of TRiC-enhanced Actin Folding in Leber Congenital Amaurosis
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Figure 1

The eye develops in cct5tf121b but not cct4-14mutants. (A) Toluidine Blue-stained sections of six-dpf-old siblings revealed the typical layered structure of the retina. In contrast, the eye of TRiC loss-of-function cct4-14 mutants was severely degraded and only rudimentary structures of lens and pigmented retina were recognisable. (B) At six dpf, homozygotes of the missense mutant cct5tf121b featured a structured eye and the layering of the retina appeared comparable to siblings. Arrowheads indicate optic nerves (ON).

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Stage: Day 6

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