Figure 6
Zebrafish HERC7c attenuates STING, MAVS, and IRF7 protein levels to downregulate the IFN response.(A,B) Zebrafish HERC7c attenuated STING-directed ifn gene transcription but not sting gene transcription. EPC cells seeded in 3.5 cm2 dishes were cotransfected with zebrafish STING-HA and zebrafish HERC7c-Flag (1 μg each) for different time points, followed by RT-PCR analysis of cellular ifn and viperin (A) and the transfected herc7c and sting (B). Error bars represent SD obtained by measuring each sample in triplicate. (C) Zebrafish HERC7c attenuated zebrafish STING protein level. EPC cells seeded in 3.5 cm2 dishes were cotransfected with zebrafish HERC7c-Flag and zebrafish STING-HA (1 μg each) for different time points, followed by Western blotting analyses of STING protein. (D–F) Zebrafish HERC7c attenuated IRF7- or MAVS-directed ifn gene transcription. EPC cells were cotransfected as in (A,B) by replacing zebrafish STING with zebrafish IRF7 or MAVS, followed by RT-PCR analyses (D,E) or Western blotting (F). |