Figure 2
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- ZDB-FIG-230305-13
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- Liu et al., 2023 - Enhanced insulin activity achieved in VDRa/b ablation zebrafish
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The activities of vdra and vdrb are dispensable for the calcium homeostasis and bone development. (A) Micro CT scanning images of mutants and control siblings at 100 dpf; (B) the relative bone density examined using CT scanning. (C) Calcium and (D) phosphorus levels in plasma were measured in mutants and control siblings at 100 dpf; (E) Quantitative real-time PCR assays show the trpv6 transcript levels in the gills of mutants and control siblings at 100 dpf. (F–I). The trpv6 expression patterns in the gill of the mutant and control. The representative images were selected and the blue-purple dot in the gills was the expression signals. The bars with different letters indicated significant difference (p<0.05). |