ret and sox10 mutants lack GFP+ ENS cells. (A–A”) In 6 dpf wildtype siblings (wt sibs), GFP+ cells colocalize with the pan-neuronal markers Elavl and acetylated Tubulin (AT, white arrows) in ENS neurons; Elavl−/AT−/GFP+ cells with a characteristic teardrop shape are enteroendocrine cells (green arrow). In 6 dpf ret (B–B”) or sox10 (C–C”) homozygous mutants, GFP+ ENS neurons are absent. AT+ processes are the vagal innervation to the gut (magenta arrows). Elavl−/AT−/GFP+ enteroendocrine cells are still present (green arrows). We analyzed ≥30 larvae per genotype. (A–C), maximum projections of dissected guts. Scale bar = 100 µm.