Fig 7

Watson et al., 2022 - wnt16 regulates spine and muscle morphogenesis through parallel signals from notochord and dermomyotome
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Fig 7

Adult wnt16-/- mutants exhibit reduced centrum length and increased mineralization.

(A) Skeletal barcodes visually depict individual phenomes for wnt16+/+ and wnt16-/- fish (3 fish/group shown). (B?K) Phenotypic features, indicated by the graph title (with units for y axis), are plotted as a function of vertebra along the spine. Control indicates wnt16+/+ or wnt16-/+ clutchmates. Measures with p<0.05 in the global test are in a lighter coloring scheme, n = 6-10/group. Cent, centrum; Haem, haemal arch; Neur, neural arch; Vol, volume; TMD, tissue mineral density; Th, thickness; Le, length. (L) Maximum intensity projections of microCT scans.

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