The antibacterial effects of zebrafish CD44a variants are dependent on the inhibition of autophagy.a DEGs involved in autophagy at 24 hpi by RNAseq analysis of mRNA expression levels in the WT and CD44a−/−-14del zebrafish larvae infected with E. piscicida. b Validation of DEGs involved in autophagy at 24 hpi by qRT-PCR. c Immunoblotting analysis and quantification of p62 and LC3b levels in the WT and CD44a−/−-14del zebrafish larvae infected with E. piscicida collected at 24 hpi. WB were repeated at least three times, and shown were the representative data. d mRNA levels of CD44a and autophagy-related genes in the WT and CD44a−/−-14del zebrafish larvae without or with the treatment of the autophagy inhibitor chloroquine (CQ). e Zebrafish larvae from the WT and CD44a−/−-14del mutants without or with the treatment of CQ were collected at the indicated post-infection time points, and homogenates were made for CFU counts. f Larval survival analysis in the WT and CD44a−/−-14del zebrafish larvae without or with the treatment of CQ (n = 60 for each group). g Zebrafish larvae microinjected with FLAG, CD44a_tv1 or CD44a_tv2 without or with the treatment of rapamycin or zebrafish larvae from the WT and CD44a−/−-14del mutants without or with the treatment of rapamycin were collected at the indicated post-infection time points, and homogenates were made for CFU counts. h Larval survival analysis for zebrafish larvae microinjected with FLAG, CD44a_tv1 or CD44a_tv2 without or with the treatment of rapamycin (n = 60 for each group). i Larval survival analysis for zebrafish larvae from the WT and CD44a−/−-14del mutants without or with the treatment of rapamycin (n = 60 for each group). Data are presented as mean values ± SD (n = 3) and p values by Student’s t test are shown in (b–e, g). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; ns not significant.