Fig. 6. Phenotypic effects of combined RRM2-ATR pharmacological inhibition are opposed through the activation of a DNA-PK salvage pathway. (A) IncuCyte live cell imaging indicates a drug synergism between RRM2 and the ATR inhibitor BAY1895543 that could not be shown in normal fibroblast cells (NIH3T3). (B) Combined RRM2-ATR inhibition leads to a significant induction of apoptosis compared to control or single compound–treated neuroblastoma cells while leaving NIH3T3 cells unaffected. (C) RT-qPCR analysis for CDKN1A, RRM2B, NOXA, PUMA, and BAX in IMR-32 and CLB-GA neuroblastoma cells following control (DMSO), single (3AP or BAY1895543), or combined (3AP and BAY1895543) drug treatment. (D) Immunoblotting for various DNA damage markers in IMR-32 and CLB-GA cells upon treatment with DMSO, 3AP, or BAY1895344 as a single agent or combined treatment of 3AP with BAY1895344.