Fig. 1
3dpf and brain tissues of Conserved and homologous analysis of BRSK2. (A) Comparisons of protein structure and conserved domain between human BRSK2 and zebrafish brsk2a, brsk2b. The corresponding gene BRSK2 (NC_000011.10) locates at chr 11, brsk2a (NC_007136.7) locates at chr 25, brsk2b (NC_007118.7) locates at chr 7. (B) Phylogenetic analysis of BRSK2 in 10 species. The numbers on the phylogenetic tree represent evolutionary relationships, with larger numbers indicating greater genetic differences. Homo sapiens: NP_001243556.1, Sus scrofa: XP_020938244.1, Pteropus vampyrus: XP_023381426.1, Mus musclulus: NP_001009929.1, Anolis carolinensis: XP_016848950.1, Danio rerio brsk2a: XP_017209740.1, Danio rerio brsk2b: XP_009301703.1, Xenopus tropicalis: XP_004913521.1, Penaeus monodon: XP_037797337.1, Apis mellifera: XP_006557814.2, Caenorhabditis elegans: NP_001076761.1. |