Fig. 3

Gonçalves et al., 2022 - Phenotypic architecture of sociality and its associated genetic polymorphisms in zebrafish
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Fig. 3

Genetic clustering and behavioral associations. (A) Hierarchical clustering of genetic distances (Jaccard distance) between the sampled individuals indicates the occurrence of five major clusters that overall match the six wild type lines used (pink cluster: TU; gold cluster: 5D; green cluster: AB; blue cluster: Wik), with LEO and TL included in the purple cluster but subsequently segregated from each other in two lower order clusters. (B) Venn diagrams representing the number of SNPs the General Inspection component shares with its constitutive behaviors (social tendency, social exploration and object exploration) and the Anxiety component. (C) Chromosome mapping of the SNPs that are significantly associated with the General Inspection component and its constitutive behaviors, following the color code used by the Venn diagrams, and with the position of each SNP on each chromosome is given in bp. SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms

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