Induction of GSP-Il-1βmat in adult zebrafish triggers a robust neutrophil response. (A) Rapid induction of inflammatory response in adults treated with 10 µM Teb versus vehicle (DMSO) demonstrated by non-invasive imaging of adult caudal fin 24 h post-induction. Maximum intensity projections of mCherry labeled neutrophils in vehicle treated or 10 µM Teb-induced adults are shown adjacent to image merged with minimum intensity projection of brightfield confocal stacks. (B) Continued inflammation at 72 h post-induction shown in adult fin by confocal microscopy. Maximum intensity projections of mCherry labeled neutrophils in vehicle treated or 10 µM Teb-induced adults are shown adjacent to image merged with minimum intensity projection of brightfield confocal stacks. (C) Inflammation on the surface of the optic tectum of adult zebrafish brain at 72 h post-induction with 10 µM tebufenozide relative to vehicle treated controls. Maximum intensity projections of confocal stacks show blood vessels labeled by kdrl:EGFP (green) and neutrophils labeled by mpx:mCherry (pseudo-colored magenta). Note the increased presence of perivascular neutrophils in Teb-induced animals (yellow arrowheads); n=6 for each condition.