Fig. 7

Gao et al., 2022 - Pluripotency factors determine gene expression repertoire at zygotic genome activation
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Fig. 7

Codependent, Pou5f3-dependent, and redundant cis-regulatory elements regulate the major ZGA wave.

a Venn diagram: 20653 “down” ARs (regions where chromatin accessibility was reduced in the double mutant) were subdivided to groups 1–4 by reduction of chromatin accessibility in the single mutants. b ATAC-seq signals on AR groups 1–4 in the wild type, single and double mutants. ARs were sorted by descending ATAC-seq peak score. c Enrichment for sox:pou, sox and pou motifs in AR groups 1–4 compared to the regions bound by Pou5f3 and SoxB1 (sp peaks). d Chi-squared test. Codependent(1), Pou5f3-dependent (2), and redundant (4) ARs, but not Sox19b-dependent ARs, are enriched around Transcription Start Sites (TSS) of zygotic genes, downregulated in MZsox19bspg double mutant. P-value is two-tailed. e H3K27ac on 4 AR groups depends on the same TFs as accessibility (compare with ATAC-seq in b). (1) codependent ARs: Pou5f3 and Sox19b are required for H3K27ac, (2) Pou5f3-dependent ARs: Pou5f3 is required for H3K27ac, (3) Sox19b-dependent ARs: Sox19b is required for H3K27ac, (4) redundant ARs: any factor is sufficient for H3K27ac, no reduction in the single mutants. ARs were sorted by descending ATAC-seq peak score. MZsox = MZsox19b, double = MZsox19bspg, n number of regions in each group. Source data for ac, and e are provided as a Dataset S3. Source data for c are provided as Dataset S4. Source data for d are provided as Dataset S5.

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