The elmo1 was cell-autonomously required for the motility of leukocytes in zebrafish larvae. (A) Track path of neutrophils expressing lyz:GFP (control) or lyz:elmo1ze-GFP (lyz:elmo1ze) on the yolk sac in the elmo1?/? and sibling larvae recorded by live imaging at 3 dpf. Each line represents the migration path of a single cell recorded by live imaging. Scale bar: 50 ?m. (B) Quantification of the neutrophils migration speed of the control and elmo1ze group in elmo1?/? (14 cells of 4 larvae, 17 cells of 6 larvae) and sibling (11 cells of 4 larvae, 17 cells of 6 larvae) larvae. Compared with the control group, the migration speed of neutrophils expressing lyz:elmo1ze was significantly increased in the elmo1?/? larvae. Each dot represents the average speed of one individual cell. Three independent experiments were performed. Here present the summarized results of three experiments. One-way ANOVA, ns: no significance, ****p < 0.001. (C) Track path of T-cells expressing lck:DsRedx (control) or lck:elmo1ze-GFP (lck:elmo1ze) within the thymus in elmo1?/? and sibling larvae recorded by live imaging at 5 dpf. Each line represents the migration path of a single cell recorded by live imaging. Scale bar: 10 ?m. (D) Quantification of the T-cells migration speed of control and elmo1ze group in elmo1?/? (15 cells of 4 larvae, 30 cells of 9 larvae) and sibling (22 cells of 4 larvae, 31 cells of 9 larvae) larvae. Compared with the control group, the migration speed of T-cells expressing lck:elmo1ze was significantly increased in the elmo1?/? larvae. Each dot represents the average speed of one individual cell. Three independent experiments were performed. Here present the summarized results of three experiments. One-way ANOVA, ns: no significance, ****p < 0.001.