Figure 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-211216-96
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- Cao et al., 2021 - The Zebrafish Antiapoptotic Protein BIRC2 Promotes Edwardsiella piscicida Infection by Inhibiting Caspases and Accumulating p53 in a p53 Transcription-Dependent and -Independent Manner
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Negative regulation of zebrafish BIRC2 on E. piscicida infection. (A) The effect of zebrafish BIRC2 on the bacteria proliferation. (B) The effect of zebrafish BIRC2 on the larvae survival in response to E. piscicida infection. (C, D) The effect of zebrafish BIRC2 on the expression levels of apoptosis-related genes and NF-?B genes at 24 and 48 hpi. Zebrafish larvae microinjected with the p3×FLAG plasmid were used for control group. The housekeeping gene GAPDH was used for normalizing the Ct values of target genes. The fold changes relative to 1 control group were calculated using the 2???Ct method. Data represented the means ± the SEM (n = 3) and were tested for statistical significance using a two-tailed student?s t -test. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. |