Fig. 4
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- ZDB-FIG-211201-260
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- Winter et al., 2021 - Functional brain imaging in larval zebrafish for characterising the effects of seizurogenic compounds acting via a range of pharmacological mechanisms
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Summary of peak GCaMP6s fluorescence intensity data measured in brain regions of larvae exposed to a range of neuroactive test compounds. Column 1 (left) shows the primary pharmacological mechanism of action; column 2, the abbreviated compound name; column 3, the strength of association with seizure induction in mammals according to the categories in Figure 2. Data (column 4 onwards) are expressed as % increase over the same regions of interest (ROI) from the corresponding water control group (ΔfT/fC = (f1 − f0)/f0 * 100, where f1 = treated group and f0 = control group, mean fluorescence peak height) (n = 6–10 larvae per group). Colour coding signifies the magnitude of effect with increasing red colour intensity signifying an increase, white no change and blue a decrease compared to the control. Within each box, statistically significant differences between compound-treated and control groups are shown (p < .017): + signifying a significant increase at one concentration, ++ at two and +++ at three. -, -- and --- signifies a significant decrease for the same categories. O signifies an overall difference only, following Kruskal–Wallis analysis. Abbreviations are as follows: GABA = γ-aminobutyric acid; GLU = glutamate; ACh = acetylcholine; P1/PDE = adenosine/phosphodiesterase; NA/DA/5-HT = noradrenaline/dopamine/5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin); Kv = potassium channels; OR = opioid receptor; αR = α-adrenoreceptor; H = histamine; CYP = cytochrome P450) |