FIGURE 3. Zns-5 immunodetection during adult zebrafish tooth development. Transverse sections of adult zebrafish in the region of the pharyngeal jaws, used for Zns-5 immunohistochemistry (A–C) or stained with azan (A’–C’). During EC (A,A’) and LC (B,B’), Zns-5 is localized in ameloblasts, with no signal detected in odontoblasts. When teeth are attached (C,C’) ameloblasts cease to stain for Zns-5 and the antigen is only detected in the cells lining the “bone of attachment” and the osteoblasts lining the supporting bone. Note osteocytes in the supporting bone, but their absence in the “bone of attachment” (C’). cl, cervical loop; sb, supporting bone; asterisks, “bone of attachment”; black arrowheads, odontoblasts; black arrows, cells forming “bone of attachment”; white arrowheads, ameloblasts; white arrows, osteoblasts. Scale bar (A–D, C,’D’)=100μm, (A’,B’)=50μm.