Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-211014-21
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- Salis et al., 2021 - Thyroid hormones regulate the formation and environmental plasticity of white bars in clownfishes
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Formation of white bars of A. percula new recruits is differentially influenced by age depending on the anemone species. (A and B) Histograms representing percentage of new recruits having 1, 2, or 3 white bars depending on their age in new recruits living in H. magnifica (A) or S. gigantea (B). Statistical tests were done using χ2 tests at each age between H. magnifica or S. gigantea and show statistical difference at 150 to 200 and 200 to 250 dph (respective P = 0.0032 and 0.0011). (C) Number of bars (85% CI) depending on age of individuals predicted from full averaging of the model candidates (D). Blue and orange represent respectively A. percula new recruits sampled in H. magnifica and in S. gigantea. The dots are observed data and are shifted around their number of bars for graphical representation. Predicted regressions of the number of bars are presented for the reference level “lagoon 0.” (D) Full model averaged estimates (85% CI) of linear regression parameters from models including age for each anemone species. The parameter estimates after model averaging of treatment were compared with “Lagoon 1” as reference for the geographic zone. A parameter estimate whose 85% CI includes zero is considered uncertain, and parameter estimates whose 85% CI do not overlap are considered different. |