Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-210923-21
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- Neal et al., 2021 - ETS factors are required but not sufficient for specific patterns of enhancer activity in different endothelial subtypes
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VEGFA signalling is required for both venous and arterial enhancer activity. A-B. Representative 24 hpf venous tg(Ephb4-2:GFP) (A) and arterial/angiogenic tg(Dll4in3:GFP) (B) zebrafish embryos treated with either DMSO control or different concentrations of VEGFR inhibitor SU5416. Red bracket indicates dorsal aorta, white bracket indicates cardinal vein. C. Graph depicting observed GFP expression levels in transgenic embryos treated with DMSO control or different levels of SU5416. Ephb4-2:GFP cnt n = 26, 0.63 μM SU5416 n = 27, 1.25 μM SU5416 n = 72, 2.5 μM SU5416 n = 62, 5 μM SU5416 n = 72. Dll4in3:GFP cnt n = 32, 0.63 μM SU5416 n = 29, 1.25 μM SU5416 n = 31, 2.5 μM SU5416 n = 26, 5 μM SU5416 n = 33. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 473, Neal, A., Nornes, S., Louphrasitthiphol, P., Sacilotto, N., Preston, M.D., Fleisinger, L., Payne, S., De Val, S., ETS factors are required but not sufficient for specific patterns of enhancer activity in different endothelial subtypes, 1-14, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.