VDACs are highly conserved proteins. (A) Pairwise comparison of sequence identity of human (h) and zebrafish (z) VDAC protein sequences. (B) Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of 24 vertebrate VDAC proteins. Branches are colored based on VDAC gene families (VDAC1: magenta, VDAC2: blue, and VDAC3: gold). Nodes are labeled with bootstrap values in units of percentage. The scale bar for branch lengths indicates the mean number of inferred substitutions per site. (C) Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of 63 VDAC homologs from 41 species. Branches and labels are colored based on phylogenetic groupings of species: blue – animals, light blue – Holozoa (excluding animals), red – fungi, purple – Apusomonadida, orange – Excavata, pink – Amoebozoa, and green – Archaeplastida. Clades are shaded to indicate if proteins contain glutamate (E, light blue) or glutamine (Q, light purple) at amino acid position 73 (with respect to human VDAC1) or are unshaded if this region of the protein lacks high homology with human VDAC1. The size of circles on branches represents bootstrap values and is only displayed for values of 50% and greater. The scale bar for branch lengths indicates the mean number of inferred substitutions per site.