Zebrafish neutrophils release NETs in vitro.(A) Purification of adult zebrafish neutrophils for in vitro stimulation. Viable neutrophils were purified from the kidneys of adult Tg(lyz:dsRed)nz50 adult zebrafish and separated by density gradient separation purification (i). Unstimulated lyz:dsRed neutrophils were visualised using a haemocytometer (ii) and by May Grünwald-staining of cytospin preparations (iii). NET release was observed using SYTOX green staining (example shown is after PMA treatment) (iv). (B) Morphological time course of NET release by Tg(lyz:dsRed)nz50 following in vitro stimulation after no stimulation (control), calcium ionophore treatment, PMA treatment, Staphylococcus aureus infection, or Candida albicans infection. Images shown are randomly selected fields of view. Neutrophils were detected by their transgenic dsRED signal (magenta) and the extracellular DNA of NETs was detected using SYTOX (green). Graphs display total magenta and green pixel values. Data are mean ± SD for 10 random fields of view/timepoint.