TET1 and TET2 are the most abundant isoforms in OLIG2 + cells in the adult spinal cord, with only TET1 displaying an age-dependent decline.a, b Representative confocal images of coronal spinal cord (a) and brain (b) sections from adult mice (P60) stained with antibodies specific for the indicated TET isoforms (green) and for OLIG2 (in red). White arrowheads indicate co-labeled cells. Scale bar = 50 μm. c Percentage of OLIG2 + cells expressing TET1, TET2, or TET3 in postnatal P7 and adult P60 spinal cord. Error bars represent SEM for n = 4 (for neonates) and n = 22 (for adult) samples (***p < 0.001 for TET1, p = 0.0640 for TET2, p = 0.1281 for TET3, Student’s t test two-tailed). d Representative fluorescence-activated cell sorting plots of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells isolated from Pdgfrα-H2BEGFP reporter mice at neonatal (P5, nOPC), adult (P60, aOPC), and old (P540, oOPC) age. Single-cells were captured and RNA extracted using microfluidics (C1Fluidigm), coupled to RT-qPCR for single-cells, using Biomark. e Violin plots of Tet1 and Tet2 in nOPC (n = 61), aOPC (n = 76), and oOPC (n = 51) reveal a significant and sharp age-dependent decline of Tet1 and to a much lesser extent of Tet2 expression. Data represent log2 expression, derived from Ct (one-way ANOVA, factors age). f Bar graphs show the percentage of TET1 or TET2 expressing OLIG2+ cells in young and old spinal cord sections. Average counts in 3–4 sections per mouse for n = 22 (young) and n = 6 (old) mice, error bars represent SEM (***p < 0.001 for TET1, p = 0.5050 for TET2, Student’s t test two-tailed).