Expression of botulinum toxin in GCs or PCs also perturbs classical conditioning responses. A, Protocol for classical fear conditioning. A compartment on one side of the tank in Figure 2A was used. In the habituation session, a light stimulus (CS) was provided for 2 s per trial (10 trials). In the training session, a paired CS and US (0.2-s electric shock given 1.8 s after the onset of CS) was administered in each trial (10 trials). In the test session, CS alone was administered (10 trials). The interval between trials was 30 s, and the interval between sessions was 20 min. B, Changes in swimming speed before and after the CS of wild-type (WT, n = 25), 152B::BoTx (n = 23), and aldoca:BoTx (n = 24) fish. Swimming speed was measured for 1.5 s before and after the CS in each trial, and average changes in swimming speed in the training and test sessions were calculated. The graph shows the averages and SEs of the data (Training session; lines factor: p = 1.483e-07, trials factor: p = 1.189e-07, lines × trials interaction: p = 1.398e-06, two-way repeated measures ANOVA; ***p < 0.001, **p< 0.01, *p < 0.05, two-way repeated measures ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. Test session; lines factor: p = 1.398e-06, trials factor: p = 0.171, lines × trials interaction: p = 0.3649, two-way repeated measures ANOVA; WT vs 152B::BoTx in test session: p < 1e-22, WT vs aldoca:BoTx in test session: p < 1e-22, 152B::BoTx vs aldoca:BoTx in test session: p = 0.9425, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test). C, Percentages of Pavlovian conditioning learners of WT (n = 14), 152B::BoTx (n = 12), and aldoca:BoTx (n = 13) fish (*p < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test with BH post hoc test). D, Pavlovian panic responses during active avoidance conditioning. Data from 10 wild-type fish that were subjected to active avoidance conditioning were used. Since wild-type fish established active avoidance in the 13th trial at the earliest, swimming speed for 1.5 s before and after the CS was measured in each trial from the fourth to the 13th trial. Average speed is plotted in the graph.