Desmin protein expression and histological examination of adult skeletal muscle. (a) Photographs of 1 year-old anesthetized fish. (b) Immunoblotting of skeletal muscle protein extracts of WT, desmakg97/kg97, desmakg97/+, desmbkg156/kg156, desmbkg156/+ and desmakg97/kg97;desmbkg156/kg156 double mutant fish probed with anti-desmin antibody. Lamin B1 was labeled on the same blot as loading control. Uncropped full-length pictures of the blot is available in Supplementary Figure S5 online. (c) Transversal cryosections of mid-trunk somites from two different areas of WT and homozygous mutant adults stained with hematoxylin eosin showing no pathological changes. Scale bar: 25 µm.