Adult nkx3.2 morphants lack the cartilage overgrowth and spine defects of nkx3.2 mutants. (A-I) Lateral views of whole-mount (A-C) and dissected (D-F) facial skeletons at 60?dpf. Alcian Blue (cartilage) and Alizarin Red (bone) staining show similar gaping jaws in mutant and morphant animals. High magnification views of the jaw joint (G-I) show ectopic cartilage across the fused jaw joint domain (arrowheads) in mutants (H) but not morphants (I). Arrows indicate distinct palatoquadrate growth plates present in wild types and morphants but not in mutants. (J-L) Lateral views of the caudal spine stained with Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red show spinal curvature in mutants but not in morphants. CH, ceratohyal; LJ, lower jaw; M, Meckel's cartilage; UJ, upper jaw. Scale bars: 2?mm (A-C; J-L); 500?µm (D-F); 50?µm (G-I).