The overexpression of camel affects the development of the Reissner fiber. Upon camel overexpression, the RF+ material seems to increase in the BVS with its significant redistribution towards the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle (CPIV) and ependyma (e, anterior and posterior of the SCO). The ectopic sprouts of RF (erf) in the Sylvius aqueduct (sa) formed. In the vIV, the RF changes the ventral trajectory (along FP) towards the CPIV in the dorsal position. In the posterior vIV, the trajectory of RF normalizes and leaves the vIV via the central canal. All images are lateral views of Tg(ET33-mi2a) transgenic 48-hpf embryos with anterior to the left. a, b Larvae after strong overexpression of Chl1a. Boxes in a represent SCO, FO, and CPIV and correspond to a’–a”’. Scale bar = 100 μm