Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-210210-44
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- Li et al., 2020 - The role of miR-92 in regulating early development and metamorphosis of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
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Multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences of miR-92a and miR-92b, and their target sites in gata5 of Japanese flounder. (A) The cDNA sequence of gata5 is shown and its coding sequence is represented in upper-case letters and the flanking non-coding sequences in lower-case letters; the amino acids are exhibited below the coding sequence region, and the asterisk marks the stop codon. MREs in the 3′ UTR are underlined. (B) The seed regions of miR-92a and miR-92b are underlined, and identical bases in different species are shown by dashes (–). pol: Paralichthys olivaceus; ola: Oryzias latipes; dre: Danio rerio; ccr: Cyprinus carpio; bbe: Branchiostoma belcheri; xtr: Xenopus tropicalis; mmu: Mus musculus; hsa: Homo sapiens. (C) The mCherry reporter fused to the 3′ UTR of gata5. Base pairing between miR-92 and the two MREs is shown. |