Intravenously-delivered ML gains access to and impact microglia behaviour.(A) Confocal imaging of the brain region of a mfap4:mCherry-F larva (dorsal view) 24 hpi with Bdpy-ML. Macrophages in red, Bdpy-ML in green. White square indicates enlarged view in (B). tn: tectal neuropil, spv: stratum periventricular, bv: brain ventricles. Scale bar 40 μm. (B) Enlarged view of spv region showing accumulation of Bdpy-ML in microglia (arrows). Images are projections of 4 z stacks (z = 2 μm) scale bar 10 μm. (C) TUNEL labeling of the trunk and tail region of fixed larvae (anterior left, dorsal up), 24 hpi with vehicle or 0.5 ng ML. Arrowheads indicate the site of injection. Scale bar 100 μm. (D) Quantification of TUNEL+ cells in the trunk and tail region. Data are mean +/- SD per larva, 3 larvae per group. (E) TUNEL labeling of brain region (delimited by dotted line) of fixed larvae (dorsal view), 24 hpi with vehicle or 0.5 ng of ML. Images are maximum intensities projection of stacks. Scale bar 40 μm. (F) Quantification of TUNEL+ cells in the brain. Mean +/- SD per larva, > 7 larvae per group. (G) Microglia number, relative to vehicle-injected control. Data are mean percentages to ctrl +/- SD per larva, 3 independent experiments, > 7 larvae per group. (H) Images are 3D reconstructions of microglia (from live imaging) in spv region of vehicle- and ML-injected (0,5 ng) larvae. Scale bar 40 μm. Graph shows mean percentages of sphericity +/- SD of brain microglia in larvae injected with increasing doses of ML (0.25, 0.5 and 1 ng) or corresponding volume of vehicle (veh), as determined with the HK-Means plugin of Icy software. Data are from 3 independent experiments, > 7 larvae per group. Mann-Whitney *P<0.05.