Figure 3

Rodrigues da Silva et al., 2020 - Articaine in functional NLC show improved anesthesia and anti-inflammatory activity in zebrafish
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Figure 3

NLC excipients anti-inflammatory activity in zebrafish larvae. (A,B) Experimental strategy and representative image of a Tg(BACmpx:GFP)i114 larvae before damage. (CI) Representative images of the damaged area of nontraded larvae (C) or treated (DI) with different NLCs. (J) Quantification of the number of neutrophils present at the damaged zone (Region of interest (ROI)) at 3 h post damage (hpd) from 3 independent experiments (n = 24). Scale bar 200 μm. Statistical analysis: one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test. Statistical significance: ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001; n.s. not significant. The images (B) and (CI) were edited using ImageJ software v.1.52a (

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