Fig 1

Lamb et al., 2020 - Paternal exposure to a common herbicide alters the behavior and serotonergic system of zebrafish offspring
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Fig 1

The effects of paternal atrazine exposure (at control [0ppb], 0.3ppb, 3ppb and 30ppb) on F1 behavioral traits.

(A) the time spent in the bottom zone (s) during the novel arena test, (B) time spent in the bottom zone (s) during the novel object test, (C) the latency to enter the top zone (s) during the novel arena test, (D) the proportion of fish that approached the novel object test; (E) the time spent interacting with the mirror (s) and (F) exploration (s). Bars represent means, with error bars representing standard errors of the mean. An asterisk indicates a significant difference between controls and an atrazine treatment (p <0.05). For each sex and treatment, sample sizes ranged from n = 18–30. Total sample size for F1s were n = 190, with n = 3 families per treatment. See methods for sample sizes.

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