Caspase-dependent generation of Wnt8a in apoptotic cells and bodies. a, b Maximum intensity projections of confocal images of Wnt8a in healthy and apoptotic stem cells (scale?=?10?µm). c Mean number of Wnt8a-positive cells in individual larvae after induced apoptosis (n?=?31), and in combination with treatment of AI (n?=?29) or zDEVD (n?=?36). Data are from three independent experiments and error bars represent sd. d?f Still images from time-lapse microscopy of an individual apoptotic cell over time (scale?=?5?µm), asterisks mark apoptotic bodies and arrowheads mark filopodia extensions (see Supplementary Movie 1). g Size distribution of epithelial stem cell-derived apoptotic bodies. hQuantification of the production of apoptotic bodies from individual cells. Data from at least three independent experiments are represented as mean?±?sd. ****p?<?0.0001, *p?<?0.03, One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Holm?Sidak multiple comparisons test (c)