Figure 1
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- ZDB-FIG-200130-15
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- Chen et al., 2019 - Lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA3 prevents oxidative stress and cellular senescence in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome
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LPA2 upregulation and LPA3 downregulation correlate with attenuated cell proliferation and increased senescence in Progerin HEK293 cells. (a) Design of vectors expressing Lamin A and Progerin. Puromycin was applied as the selection marker to establish Progerin HEK293 stable cells. (b) PCR with primer targeting outside of the cryptic splicing site shows alternate 150‐nucleotide splicing of Lamin A mRNA in Progerin HEK293 cells. (c) Western blot with anti‐Lamin A/C (ab108595) and anti‐Progerin (sc‐81611) antibody shows expression of Progerin in Progerin HEK293 cells (d) Western blot with LPA receptor antibodies shows upregulation of LPA2 and downregulation of LPA3 in Progerin HEK293 cells. Actin was used as a loading control. (e) Cell number measurements show that, in both Lamin A and Progerin HEK293 cells, activating LPA2 with 5 μM of GRI decreased the cell proliferation rate, but activating LPA3 with 100 nM of OMPT increased the cell proliferation rate. (f) Representative images of senescence‐associated β‐gal staining assay and its quantified results. Treating Lamin A and Progerin HEK293 cells with 5 μM of GRI for 4 days increased the percentage of β‐gal‐positive cells in both cell lines. Treating Progerin HEK293 cells with 100 nM OMPT for 4 days reduced the percentage of β‐gal‐positive cells. (g) Knockdown of LPA2 by siRNA (siLPA2) reduced β‐gal‐positive Progerin HEK293 cells. Knockdown of LPA3 by siRNA (siLPA3) increased β‐gal‐positive cells. (h) Overexpression of LPA3 decreased β‐gal‐positive cells. (i) Real‐time qPCR showed that treatment of 100 nM OMPT for 24 hr reduced mRNA level of |