5 dpf zebrafish larva (wild type) stained for cartilage (blue) and bone (red). A total of nine parameters for cartilage were assessed as shown in panels A (ventral view) and B (lateral view): (1) total head length, (2) length ceratohyal to anterior end of the head, (3) length ceratohyal to posterior end of the head, (4) width at Meckel's cartilage and palatoquadrate joint, (5) width at ceratohyal and palatoquadrate joint, (6) length of superior ceratohyal, (7) length of inferior ceratohyal, (8) length of ethmoid plate, (9) lateral length of Meckel's cartilage. (C) The nine bone parameters scored for presence or absence (ventral view): (1) parasphenoid, (2) cleithrum, (3) notochordal sheath, (4) otoliths (four in total), (5) ceratobranchial 5, (6) teeth (on ceratobranchial 5), (7) opercles, (8) branchiostegal ray 1, (9) entopterygoid bone.